Quick way to find an accommodation

Last minute hotels

You want to go on holiday in a few days. But you did not look for an accommodation? Or the accommodation you booked canceled your reservation?
Do not worry about that. Our Agentur für Zimmervermittlung Lippstadt is able to find the fitting hotel for you last minute.

Last minute hotel


We are pleased to offer a big choice of different accommodations in Lippstadt and the surrounding area. It does not matter with how many people you are going to arrive. We have several accommodations where everyone can find his perfect place to stay.

We arrange hotel rooms with single or double beds, apartments, holiday rentals and pensions. For any guest there is a fitting accommodation in the region that we will find and book for you so that you will not have any stress with finding a place to stay in Lippstadt. So please let us know which kind of accommodation you wish for and we are pleased to help you to find the perfect one for you in Lippstadt.

For this we need the information from you on what you are looking for, where the accommodation should be and how much you want to pay for the last minute accommodation.

We will also inform you about events and activities in the surrounding area of your accommodation if you wish so you can plan your stay in Lippstadt.

Do not worry about not having booked anything yet because it will not be any problem if you contact us last minute to find an accommodation. We will find the perfect accommodation for you and if you like it we will also book it for you.

Please do not hesitate to contact us, we are pleased to help you out. Your Team from the agency for accommodation bureau.